CyberShow Registration Form =========================== Yes, I want to register for CyberShow to get the full version and agree with the disclaimer, copyright and distribution conditions stated in the documentation. I send this form to: My address is -------------------- ------------- Helmut Hoffmann Name: Rubensstrasse 4 Street: D-41063 Moenchengladbach ZIP-Code/City: State: Germany Country: EMail: Phone: For payment I include to order O CyberShow-Professional (incl. SlideShow/Presentations etc.) Worldwide: (cheque, postal money order or banknotes) O 25US$ O 35Aus$ O 35Can$ O 35DM in europe: O 30DM (banknotes or cheque) O 35HFl O 30SFr O 220ÖS O 650bfrs O 650Lfrs O 100FMk O 120 FFr O 15GB£ O 40000Lit O 150NKr O 180SKr O 150DKr O 3000Pes in germany: O 30DM (Scheine oder Scheck) O Ich habe 30DM am __.__.____ überwiesen auf Ihr KontoNr. 5740147 Stadtsparkasse Mönchengladbach BLZ 310 500 00 (Please note: bank transfers only allowed from germany!) O CyberShow-Light (without SlideShow/Presentations etc.) (CyberShow-Light is only available upto 31st October 1995) Worldwide: (cheque, postal money order or banknotes) O 18US$ O 25Aus$ O 25Can$ O 25DM in europe: O 20DM (banknotes or cheque) O 25HFl O 20SFr O 150ÖS O 450bfrs O 450Lfrs O 70FMk O 80 FFr O 10GB£ O 25000Lit O 100NKr O 120SKr O 100DKr O 2000Pes O In addition I want to order O HHsFastImageFX modules for ImageFX _._ O HHsFastUniversalGio modules for Photogenics _._ and additionally pay for each: O 8US$ O 10Can$ O 10Aus$ O 10DM O 10SFr O 80ÖS O 10HFl O 5GB£ O 40FFr O 50DKr O 60SKr O 50NKr O 30FMk O 12000LIT O 1000Pes Date:____________ Signature:____________________ I am currently using demo version 4.3 which I got from O AmiNet O a PD disk _________ O a CD-ROM __________ O a friend O from a BBS/Mailbox ______________ O ______________________________. Hardware configuration: Amiga: ____ CPU: 680__ ___MHz ChipMem: ___MByte FastMem: ___MByte Harddrive(s): ____ MByte Graphic board: ________________________ Framegrabber: _________________ Motion video board: ___________________ CD-ROM drive: _________________ Scanner: ______________________________ Software configuration: Amiga-OS:__.__ CyberGraphics: _________ (optional) Painting program: Image processing program: Raytracing: Morphing: Comments/Suggestions: